Update - v2.6.3 for Android

SPYERA has released an important update to Android cell phone monitoring software and Android tablet monitoring software version 2.6.3 available now for customer download. This update is FREE for customers with valid subscription and remote update is available on your dashboard.

This new version coming with a new method to control target device remotely. We implemented Push Notification method for sending remote commands from Control Centre to the Target Android device. See the advantages below.

  • All commands will be sent from the server to the Target device immediately, instead of waiting for an hour.
  • All commands are invisible on the Target device, regardless of the Android OS version or Running Mode of the software.
  • No extra cost to customer
  • SMS commands no longer required

Additional note:

Performance issue has been found on Samsung Captivate 2.3.4./ Sony Ray 2.3.4.
Supported BBM up to version
Supported Facebook up to version
Supported Facebook Messenger up to version
Supported Hangouts up to version 2.3.75731955
Supported Line up to version 4.7.0
Supported WhatsApp up to version 2.11.399
Supported Skype up to version 5.00.52727
Supported Viber up to version
Supported WeChat up to version
Supported Yahoo Messenger up to version 1.8.7

2 comments on “Update - v2.6.3 for Android”

  1. Hi, I would like to know which Motorola devices are compatible with your software.
    I'll appreciate your help.

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SPYERA 1999-2025. All rights reserved.
Disclaimer: SPYERA is designed to monitor children, employees, or your smartphone. You'll need to notify the device owner that the device is being monitored. It is the responsibility of the user of SPYERA to ascertain and obey all applicable laws in their country regarding the use of SPYERA. If you have any doubts, please consult your local attorney before using SPYERA. By downloading and installing SPYERA, you represent that SPYERA will be used only legally. Logging other people’s SMS messages & other phone activity or installing SPYERA on another person’s phone without their knowledge can be considered illegal in your country. SPYERA assumes no liability and is not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by our Software. It’s the final user’s responsibility to obey all laws in their country. By purchasing & downloading SPYERA, you hereby agree to the above.