
업데이트 - macOS v7.0

We are pleased to announce the release of SPYERA Version 7.0, further pushing the boundaries of sophisticated monitoring solutions for Mac users. We remain committed to adapting to the latest technological advancements and ensuring a seamless user experience. This update is designed to enhance performance and compatibility with the latest macOS systems. Let's explore what’s new in this release:

새로운 기능

Our dedication to providing you with the most advanced monitoring solutions continues with the latest features in Version 7.0:

Support for macOS 14.4 Sonoma:

SPYERA now supports macOS 14.4 Sonoma, offering full compatibility on both Intel and Apple CPUs. Whether you're using an older Intel-based Mac or the latest Apple Silicon models, SPYERA ensures smooth monitoring and tracking capabilities with the newest macOS version.


In addition to this expanded macOS compatibility, we've focused on enhancing the overall performance and user experience:

Various Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements:

Our team has addressed several minor bugs to ensure SPYERA operates flawlessly across different devices. These fixes enhance the app's stability, delivering a more reliable experience across the board. We've also made performance optimizations to ensure faster and more responsive monitoring, ensuring you have access to real-time information without any delays.

SPYERA 소프트웨어 업데이트

We recommend that all users update to Version 7.0 to benefit from these new features and improvements. You can find the update instructions in the HELP section of your online SPYERA account:

  1. Log in to your web account.
  2. Navigate to the dashboard and locate the Product Info box.
  3. Update the software by following the instructions provided in the update wizard.

By updating to the latest version, you'll enjoy enhanced performance and full compatibility with the latest macOS systems, ensuring that your monitoring remains as effective as ever.

Need Help?

Our dedicated customer service team is always ready to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have regarding the update process or any other inquiries. Reach out through our website or contact our support center directly for further assistance.

귀하의 신뢰, 우리의 약속

We sincerely appreciate your continued trust in SPYERA as your go-to mobile and desktop monitoring solution. With each update, we strive to offer cutting-edge features that meet your evolving needs. Stay tuned for more innovative enhancements and feature releases in the near future!

Thank you for choosing SPYERA! We look forward to continuing to provide you with the best monitoring tools available.

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